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Baggage Handling

Documents requirement for Export

A) Passenger must come at airport along with original passport and original ticket for clearance of personnel effects, that is the easy for clearance.

B) Passenger given an authority letter in the name of persons/CHA for clearance of personal effects, which addressed to the DY.Comm. of Customs new Delhi & baggage declaration form signed by the applicant/passenger

C) Signed original baggage declaration form

D) Assignment letter,offer letter self attested copy

E) Passport copy self attested by the passenger,along with original PP at airport.

F) Ticket copy self attested by the passer with original ticket at airport.

G) Details of goods (contain in baggage) properly declared one by one/each and every items (list attached) with baggage declaration form)

H) Only used cloths,shoes & books allowed in personal baggage.

I) Value of goods declared by the passengers for custom purposes

J) Encasement certificate attested copy along-with original for air freight amount (which shown on AWB) & original encasement certificate handover to airline at the time of handover

K) Departure certificate required if the passenger left the country & departure certificate issued by the concerned airline on request by the passenger to authorize person/CHAW

L) Original AWB & keys of pkgs/briefcase should be attach along with along with goods or handover to passenger, as per instruction.

M) Labor arrangement for loading & unloading cargo





The Dy. Commissioner of Customs (Exports)

Cargo Terminal, IGI Airport

New delhi.

Ref: Passport No…. ……..(Name of passenger)

Sub: Customs clearance of used household goods belonging to (person name) holding

Passport No.———

Dear Sir,

I hereby authorize M/s. (CHA name) to arrange Customs Clearance of used household goods for shipment belonging to Mr. …….. from New Delhi to ………

Kindly allow for Customs clearance at your earliest & oblige.

Thanking You

Yours Sincerely

(name with complete passport address)



To                                                            Date:


Traffic police

new delhi

Sub: Permission for commercial Vehicle Entry into Nontry Area.


I am shifting to my home town Serbia want to carry my personal effects/baggage with me. Kindly grant permission to vehicle no…………. like tata etc) driven by Driver————— (name of driver) DL NO………….. Mobile no. —— collect my belongings from:



Warehouse address like ICD/ & AIRPORT FREIGHT FORWARDER/CHA etc.

Please do the needful & oblige

Thanking you

Name with full address

More Guidelines

Note 1. Baggage shipped as cargo shall consist of only personal wearing apparels and personal articles of a passenger (including portable musical instruments,portable typewriters and portable sports equipment but excluding machinery,machine,or spare parts,money,securities jewelry,watches,plate & plated ware furs, films.cameras,tickets,documents,liquors perfumes and articles of household furnishing,merchandise and salesman samples)

Note 2. Suitcases and bags containing personal effects should be locked if keys are sent along with the shipment they must be attached to the airway bill by means of an envelops. Each item of the baggage should be marked on the inside – with the name and home address of the owner and have a label or tag affixed to outside with the name and destination address.

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Delhi  —
L-29, 2nd Floor, Mahipalpur Extn.
New Delhi, Delhi – 110037, India

+(91)-(11)- 46062660 | 46062294


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